Infant/Toddler Program » Infant/Toddler Program

Infant/Toddler Program

activities and materialsIn July 2013, the Weekday School was licensed by the state of Kentucky to expand to include infants (6 weeks of age as of August 1) and toddlers (up to 23 months as of August 1) and to expand our hours from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.  The Infant and Toddler Program is a school based program available Monday through Friday.  To meet the various needs of parents of young children, enrollment is offered from two days per week to as many as five days per week. Tuition is based on the number of days per week a child is enrolled, and may be paid on a monthly or quarterly basis.  The program is divided into three groups based on the approximate age of the child (determined by the KY state enrollment date of August 1): 

Infants:  6 weeks to 11 months
Toddler A:   12 to 17 months
Toddler B:  18 to 23 months


Adults who provide care and education for infants and toddlers have an incredible responsibility. Research indicates that more growth and development occurs during the first three years of life than at any other time. Brain research shows that their brains are being “wired” for life-long learning, thus establishing patterns for emotional, social, physical, and cognitive development. Second Presbyterian Weekday School relies on the body of child development research of Jean Piaget, Maria Montessori, and is Reggio inspired. This comprehensive approach emphasizes the relationships between teachers-child-families, where the focus is on building relationships, knowing infants and toddlers and their families, and building a network of community support.                                                                                               

Interaction                                                                                                                                                     Developmental needs of infants and toddlers are met through responsive relationships with primary caregivers. With this in mind, it is important to have low teacher/child ratios and small class sizes.
Our teachers facilitate a responsive relationship by showing respect for children and responding to their needs immediately and appropriately.  They care for children in ways that meet their individual needs.


We feel that children learn a great deal through routines. Beginning with a parent’s morning goodbye and continuing through diaper changes, bottle feedings, clothing changes and naps, our youngest children learn many lessons. These routines teach them about trust, pride, cause and effect, patterns, and dealing with their emotions, including developing feelings of confidence and competency. Infants do most of their learning in  the context of routines because most of the day is devoted to responding to their basic needs. The younger children are, the more their lives are subject to routines. As they grow, children begin to view the world around them as an interesting place and exploration becomes of growing interest.


Activities and Materials

Any object that young children can explore, put together, take apart, push, pull, stack, and create becomes a toy in a child’s hands. Toys teach skills while at the same time children are playing and having fun. While playing with materials, children learn about size, shape and sequence, problem solving, cause and effect, balance, eye hand coordination, and social skills. Teachers plan a variety of activities for children. Typical activities include playing with toys, dabbling in art, imitating and pretending, enjoying stories and books, exploring various sensory materials, having fun with music and movement, and exploring outdoors. Our teachers plan activities / projects around subjects that are commonly of interest within their age group.